Solutions for navigating federal directives in higher education and research

Responding to the evolving landscape of federal directives requires innovative strategies and informed decision making. Huron specializes in supporting college, university, and research leaders during times of change. Whether it’s evaluating the impact of federal policies or developing actionable solutions, our team is here to help.

Proactive steps for addressing regulatory uncertainty

We recognize the uncertainty institutions are navigating and the broader implications to mission delivery and financial and operational imperatives. Even without all the answers, there are proactive steps institutions can consider taking now, including:

  • Quantifying exposure and developing near- and longer-term cash flow solutions to potential reductions or interruptions in federal funding, including grants and contracts
  • Modeling the financial implications of potential enrollment challenges driven by the uncertainty of aid or international enrollment affected by H-1B policy
  • Preparing for potential material financial changes, such as an increase in endowment tax or a reduction in indirect costs (IDCs), and developing margin improvement strategies
  • Developing new fundraising strategies
  • Planning for potential reallocation of hard- and soft-funded research resources tied to disciplines or programs under discussions
  • Utilizing enterprise risk management programs to identify, prioritize, mitigate, and respond to institutionwide risks
  • Tracking policy changes, creating tailored communication plans for various constituencies, and implementing strategies to address changes
  • Joining institutional cohorts for support from peers
University campus image with a lot of greenery

Reach out today

Huron is working with institutions of all sizes to assess risks, bolster resiliency, and develop road maps for success. If you are looking for guidance or a fresh perspective during this uncertain time, contact us, and a member of our team will be in touch.